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What's Wrong With America?

Thanks for checking out the What's Wrong With America? podcast, in which we discuss important cultural issues and current events, with the aim of understanding what's gone wrong, what's gone well, and how we can make America better for everyone.


What's Wrong With America? podcast logo artwork: American flag with text "What's Wrong With America?"

The What's Wrong With America? podcast is produced and hosted by Daniel D., who also hosts The Crazy Comedy, Humor & Satire Podcast and writes humor books and blogs articles on various subjects.

What's Wrong With America? will feature three types of episodes:

  1. Weekly topical episodes with commentary on whatever is in the news;
  2. Thematic episodes with extended explorations of important subjects, such as education or criminal justice; and
  3. Conversations with various guests on a variety of topics. 

Be sure to subscribe to the podcast, so that you don't miss any episodes! Also, you can email comments to Thanks for checking out the podcast! Hope you enjoy it!